Reproduction of Riftia pachyptila
Document Source:
Main Ref. Van Dover, C.L., 1994
Mode dioecism
Fertilization internal (oviduct)
Spawning Frequency no obvious seasonal peak
Batch Spawner No
Reproductive Guild
Description of life cycle and mating behavior Spawning is intermittent, not continuous and lasts an hour; release of gametes are propelled upward by withdrawal of the worm into its tube. Neutrally buoyant sperm bundles are expelled forcefully enough to be dispersed over a field of tubeworms; the sperm bundles swim and attach to females, somehow mediating a spawning response in the female; fertilization occurs internally immediately before spawning or externally (within the vestimental chamber?) just after release of the eggs; accumulated eggs are forcefully ejected into the water column where, negatively buoyant, they spend a short period near the site of release; advective conditions of the turbulent, warm-water vent environment disperse gametes and developing larvae away from the adult population.
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